Friday, April 28, 2017


Debunkers need to wake up. Things are going max worse. Hey, this roller coaster ride ain't over. Not by a long shot my fine ones.


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

more retail woe

Here we go... more retail woe.  Stores which offer a poor retail experience... let me give you an example in case - sears... have been hit hard this year. All of observe that there is a shift away from traditional retail stores and towards a new online experience. Customers are using their own oversize cell phone to shop on amazon. Big box stores are in woe. For companies in traditional retail that do not adapt to our ever changing environment, the threat of bankruptcy remains.

Former hh gregg Vienna, WV

Monday, April 24, 2017

Saturday, April 22, 2017


Cities are run by mayors. Maybe countries can use em. It is a big process to run. Ah yes, we did say process. Realists get the job done or they get kick out on their ear.

Thursday, April 20, 2017


Bridges do bring me joy. Like where are the taking us? That is the prescient question and we do not have an easy answer.

Ben Franklin Bridge From Camden

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Could be that your city has a special kind of energy. All of us want more power. Yeah, except that is not what we mean. Emotions in that place are so unique.

City of Philadelphia (w/ Backstory)

Sunday, April 16, 2017

on fire

Sometimes, the sky is on fire with bright red and crisp orange. Those colors do help warm us. OK, so the opposite would be blue, purple, and cyan.


Friday, April 14, 2017


All of us would like for our ship to come in. Still, for me, it is far out at sea. Let me add, there are some storms on the way. I do predict a hard rain.

To Arrive Where We Started

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Ah yes, the cities are dirtier than years ago. They are both gritty and grim. Let me add that they have a lot fewer pay phones in case you need one. Potholes fill the street with bumps and they do not fix em. However, politicians do raise our TAX every year. Do not forget about that one.

Hanging out to dry

Monday, April 10, 2017


Be careful with what you sink your teeth in. Maybe it looks like an apple, but it could be a poison. That is what we are saying. Life requires that we look beyond outward appearance. Yeah, that is certainly what it requires.


Friday, April 7, 2017

Thursday, April 6, 2017


Sadly, we keep hearing about a shortage of nurses. Well, I have talked to workers in health care. Basically, hospitals want to trim expenses. They are now bringing in nurses from over seas. Often, these are paid a lower wage. Hey, the result is less money. Yeah, the so called shortage is just a clever ruse.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

cable wars

Fox is winning cable wars. That is great news. CNN keeps on losing more sponsors. All they do is scream racism. Time to change is now. Do not let history pass you.

Red wheel

Sunday, April 2, 2017

malls going away

It is easier to blame amazon - very easy. Oh wow, clicks are hitting the bricks, and in more way an one. Malls resemble ghost towns now. Customers stopped going years ago. Look at the sad situation in sears. Tragically, they continue to hemorrhage more red ink every year. Frankly, their life blood appears orange... they are so anemic. Hey,  more store closures and bankruptcies should surprise no one.
